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  • It was a good fight! (Warning it’s a football post)

    Last night was the BCS Championship game.  My beloved Auburn Tigers miraculously made it to the final game after a crazy season.  I think I mentioned I had no expectations for this season.  Last year we were awful and I just hoped to win a few games. Armed with a new head coach and a new QB we had to be a little better right?

    I’m not going to recap the season or even last night’s game but I want to say that Auburn played their hearts out last night.  They were ahead for most of the game and pretty much dominated the first half.  A late touchdown at the end of the half swung the momentum back to FSU and they seemed to keep it up until the end.

    With a minute left Auburn was leading by 4 but a drive down the field and a costly penalty resulted in a FSU touchdown to put them ahead.  Unfortunately there wasn’t much Auburn could do with only seconds left in the game.

    I’m not gonna lie, I was pretty bummed we didn’t pull out the win.  Not because the guys didn’t try because they did.  They played their hearts out and you can’t fault that.  But losing sucks!  Even when you play hard, or maybe even more because you played hard.  In the end, Auburn did what I wanted and that was, show up and play hard and it was great game.  A nail biter but a great game!  I couldn’t be PROUDER to BE AN AUBURN TIGER!

