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  • I’m addicted to bags

    I love bags! Like LOVE them! If there is a free gift that includes a bag, it’s mine. At one point I had a ton of small bags and I finally had to get rid of them. Now my bag collection (side note: this does NOT include purses) is pretty small. A few here and there and that’s it. Until last week. A friend saw a Coach deal for an overnight bag. I looked at it and was like, it’s cute. Then we started talking and figured if we ordered them together we could get free shipping. Hmmm. That of course made the deal a little sweeter. Finally I was like “AHHHH do it!” so she placed the order. Needless to say some of my birthday money is going to my new bag. 🙂

    My justification is Matt and I are going on a trip soon and I can totally use my new bag as my carry-on. The backpack I normally use is falling apart and apparently North Face will take it back and fix/replace it, 12 years later. HA! Who knew! Anyway my friend met mom and I out on Sunday to drop off my new bag and it is adorable! It’s just the right size and the color is perfect. It also folds up and fits in to the front pouch, which snaps in to the larger bag. This makes it a great “extra” bag should you travel some place you might need an extra bag without having to actually bring another piece of luggage. I am soooo smart! 😉


