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  • This ain’t a fashion blog!

    But every now and then I actually have fashion stuff so here goes.

    Last weekend Matt and I went to his parents house to the beach. I mentioned his cousin Emma was in town, well as we were leaving his dad wanted a few pics of the 3 of us. Later his mom posted the pics on fb. After seeing those pics I decided I wasn’t really digging my long hair. Now mind you I’ve been growing it since before the wedding but seeing made me realize I was ready for a change. Not a huge change but a change so I made a hair appt for Saturday. When I got the salon I showed the girl a pic and told her to cut it. Aside from my bangs being just a tad too short I am really happy. The length feels good and I think it looks pretty cute. I also think it makes me look younger, though I’m not sure that’s on the plus side. 😉 ( posting from my iPad so the pic is at the bottom.)

    I also wanted to share a little makeup tip since I’m fashion blogging today. A while back a blog I follow on twitter mentioned she was using Olay total effects 7 moisturizer. A little research said it was suppose to improve your skin tone. Well I have pretty crappy skin tone so I love to try things that might help to even it out. I even switched to Clinique’s even better foundation. (Matt wasn’t having the $80.00 for a bottle of the even better serum so this was the next best thing.) The foundation was just a tad heavier then I really wanted for summer and while we were in NYC I decided to compare that with my Bare Minerals. I decided I was digging the Clinique but I wanted it a little lighter so I added some of my Olay total effects to the foundation and blended them on my skin……ahhh perfection. It adds just the right coverage without feeling to heavy. I finish with my BM mineral veil powder to set the look. For me this is a great solution plus I am tone correcting. And to be honest I do feel like my skin tone looks a little more even in the few weeks I’ve been doing this.

    I would definitely recommend both products to anyone looking for a change or those who might need a little tone correcting.

