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  • I make you look like a behbeh

    No seriously I can almost totally do that now.  While perusing perezhilton.com the other day I saw a pop up ad for some photo editing software.  {Remember I think I mentioned this yesterday}  Anyhoo, last night I decided to bite the bullet and just buy it.  I mean I really am starting to feel that my photo taking skills aren’t awful but my photo editing skills completely SUCK!  So in an attempt to do better I need software I can actually work.  This new software is super simple to use and I am really excited about it.

    Last night after making my purchase I started to play around with a few pics and get a  feel for what I’m working with.  The controls are very easy to use.  So easy in fact that I decided to make my parents look young again.  {I know, best. daughter.ever!}  🙂

    The before.

    The after.

    See it really is pretty good.  I didn’t do either of these too heavy again I was really just playing around.  But you get the idea.  Like a behbeh!
