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  • Time to move on….

    Today the married knotties made a decision.  We decided it was time to move over the the nest.  For a few weeks now I’ve been looking a for good board to take over.  We didn’t want to take over something that people actually posted on so we were in luck when I came across a fairly inactive board.  Today we decided to move.  We won’t (and don’t plan) to leave our non married friends over on on TK but it was time to have a place to talk about all things non wedding related.  I must say I am very happy with our decision plus a few knotties have already ventured over, which is what we wanted. 🙂

    I also have a confession today.  I feel as though I am censoring myself with my blog.  That is exactly the opposite of what this is supposed to be.  I feel like I will think of something and then decide not to write about it.  I am going to make a conscious effort to try and talk about more things.  I mean I literally only have like 5 readers so….

    Happy Thursday!
