Dry Eyes
I’m happy to report today was much better then yesterday. I’m still super ready for the weekend though. Even if {and hopefully} we sit around and do nothing but veg. I feel like I could use a complete veg fest. My brain needs to decompress for realz! I mean I was dreaming about work last night, not cool!
On a side note my eyes have been killing me lately. Like I’ll wake up in the middle of the night and feel like I can’t open my eyes because they are so dry. I know I’m wearing my contacts a lot more then I used to. I use to come home and take them out but now I wear them until I go to bed. Several nights I’ve almost forgotten to take them out. I used to not be so bothered by the blurriness when we’d sit around and just watch tv but now I have to have my glasses on or my contacts in. The other thing I realized is that we’ve been keeping some of the lights off at work. Specifically the ones over and around my desk. I wonder if sitting in the dark is making them feel drier? Any thoughts?