My mystery project
I mentioned in this post that I was working on a “secret” project. Well I am ready to reveal what I’ve been working on.
A friend of mine found the cutest owl blanket on Etsy. She wanted it for her new baby so I told her that would be my gift. Well a few months passed and as she got closer to her due date I decided it was time to get her gift. I went to Etsy but the shipping was crazy expensive so I had an idea. Find the fabric and just make her the blanket. I mean how hard could it be? I should note I’ve never sewed with Minky fabric and I’d heard it was kind of a pain.
I ordered my fabric and I was super excited when it arrived. It was sooo soft. Perfect for a baby! I washed it and figured out what size I wanted to make. After I got everything cut I realized I had enough to make a small “test” blanket. I’d read up on minky fabric and everyone said to PIN PIN PIN! Don’t you know I pinned the hell out of my fabric, about every inch to inch and a half. For the most part, my test blanket went okay. My seems weren’t perfectly straight but it would do. I knew the tricky part would be the top stitch. I’ve never done a top stitch before. I even decided to tape my fabric to give me a straighter line. Needless to say this line wasn’t as straight as I would have liked but it wasn’t terrible. (note the top 2 pics don’t have the top stitch in the pic)

Now that I had my test blanket finished I felt pretty good beginning on the bigger blanket. I even decided to tape my lines since the fabric just wasn’t straight. For the most part it was okay except for one side. It came out kind of wonky – I have NO idea what I did. Anyway I decided to just rip out the weird spot and and fix it. That made me much happier, so I set out to start my top stitch. Again I pinned and taped my fabric, but when I started I was so worried about it not being straight I jacked it up a lot. I ended up spending a good amount of time ripping out the top stitch. Thank goodness it was my open side so I was able to get the the inside. Finally I said screw it and just fixed what I could. To me it didn’t come out quite as good as my test but my friend still loved it.

Looks like I will have to get some more practice with minky!
I LOVE it!!!!! You are such an amazing friend to go to all that work for me. I still can’t thank you enough! 🙂 thank you thank you thank you!!!
Yay! I’m so glad you like it. I’m glad I was able to make one for you.