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  • The 3rd anniversary of the 32nd birthday

    Equals 35.  Sigh!

    Saturday was my birthday and I decided I wanted to go out and have fun.  Normally birthdays in our household are celebrated with gifts, cake (sometimes decent looking 😉 ), and a nice dinner out.  Matt and I have never done much in the way of parties for birthdays, aside from his 30th birthday.  I took him out and his friends got him WASTED!  And I got him to dance! 😮  I didn’t want a party for my bday but I thought having a few friends join us for dinner and dancing would be nice.  I asked my friend K and her husband M along with one of Matt’s friends and his new girlfriend.

    After being unable to get reservations at a new restaurant called Stanbury in downtown, I decided on a new place called Mandolin for dinner. {Funny little side note but the space that Mandolin currently occupies was once a place called EVOO.  This was mine and Matt’s first official date spot. It’s since changed hands several times but I’m hoping Mandolin is here to stay for a while.}  I was able to get an 8:30 reservation for Saturday night.  I knew K&M would be waiting since she said they were going to go to the bar and get drinks first but I was surprised to see J&A sitting at their table when Matt and I walked in around 8:20.  About 10 mins later the host came and told us it would be a few more minutes as our table was eating dessert.  About 10 minutes after that, we were told they were paying the tab, and a little after 9 we were finally seated.  Matt bought me a birthday cake so I brought it with us to the restaurant to share.  I didn’t even think about the fact that they would charge a cake cutting fee.  Anyway, they politely waived our fee since we’d had to wait.  How sweet!  *insert slight eye roll here*  I must say though, Mandolin was great!  The atmosphere was really nice and the food was delicious.  Definitely a place Matt and I will go again.

    Thankfully once we were seated, our orders were taken, and our food arrived pretty quickly.  I must say the food was DELICIOUS!  I had the Foie Gras appetizer and then the Chicken and Dumplings for dinner.  SO. YUMMY!  Everyone really enjoyed their food.  After we ate cake, we all headed downtown.  The suggested bar was a new spot called Coglins but the line out the door was a huge turn off.  I mean, come on, it was my birthday. Who wants to stand in line?  Not me!  We headed a block over to The Hive.  It was busy but not stand in line busy.  Drinks were consumed and some dancing was done.  In the end J&A and Matt and I stayed till almost 1 before heading home.  AHHH!  Overall, it was a great night and I had a lot of fun!  I’m so glad our friends joined us!


    PS. I bought a new outfit for my birthday.  I got a shirt, necklace and jacket (not pictured).  I’ve had the shoes for a while and they are still fantastic!


  • Our proposal story – 4 years

    OMG!  It’s been exactly 4 years to the day that Matte proposed! EEEKKK!  I feel sure I published this last year too but oh well here we go again!

    March 21, 2010

    As my birthday quickly approached, I wondered what exactly the day would have in store.  I told M that a nice dinner would be fine, no gift necessary.  Years of birthday disappoints, break-ups, etc had left me a “Birthday Scrooge”, as a friend would say.  It’s hard to be disappointed with a nice romantic dinner out.

    I finally decided on a nice Italian restaurant with outdoor seating and M made the reservation for Sunday night.  We both decided to take Monday, my actual birthday off.  As Sunday rolled around so did the clouds.  Over the weekend I received  a few birthday cards containing monetary gifts.  With money in hand I decided I needed a new dress for the occasion.  Well as luck would have it, there was not a cute dress to be found.  A last ditch trip to Target ended the dress hunt without a dress but with new shoes.  Oh well :)

    When we got home we realized there would be no outdoor dining as the clouds were looking quite ominous.  We dressed, complete with new shoes and headed to dinner.  While at dinner M told me he had a “silly” gift for me to open that night.  I didn’t think much of this as I figured he had found some sort of Auburn memorabilia at a local sports store.  After dinner we decided to head to The Cheesecake Factory for dessert.  As we were waiting for a drink and cheesecake, I told M that friend of ours had asked me if I thought he would propose.  I told her that if he did, he would give me a ring pop first.  I explained this was a running joke with M and I.  He just chuckled and asked if they still made those.  With cheesecake in hand we headed back to the house.  Once we were changed and back downstairs M asked if I was ready for my gift.  I said sure.  I grabbed the box from the coffee table and began to unwrap it.  Having no idea what the box might contain, I was quite shocked to see a ring pop right there in front of my eyes.  I looked at M and as I turned he pulled a ring out of his pocket.  He told me that he wanted me to be his wife and “will you marry me?”  I immediately began to cry just looking at him.  I finally managed to say “I think I’m supposed to say Maaaaybee.”  “HAHA yes!!!”  And kissed him.  He put the ring on my finger and I noticed he was shaking.  Awww how sweet considering he had known my answer for months.

    Now a few days have passed and the weight of the ring has become a familiar feeling.  With that feeling comes the knowledge that soon enough I will be M’s wife.

    ~ and just as a side note M did get me an actual gift for my birthday, a cute pink Ipod shuffle :)

  • Proposal Story – blast from the past post

    Since Matt proposed the day before my birthday, March 21, 2010, I think this will be a tradition post going forward.


    It’s Official!!! Author: aukelly // Mar25,2010

    As my birthday quickly approached, I wondered what exactly the day would have in store. I told M that a nice dinner would be fine, no gift necessary. Years of birthday disappoints, break-ups, etc had left me a “Birthday Scrooge”, as a friend would say. It’s hard to be disappointed with a nice romantic dinner out.

    I finally decided on a nice Italian restaurant with outdoor seating and M made the reservation for Sunday night. We both decided to take Monday, my actual birthday off. As Sunday rolled around so did the clouds. Over the weekend I received a few birthday cards containing monetary gifts. With money in hand I decided I needed a new dress for the occasion. Well as luck would have it, there was not a cute dress to be found. A last ditch trip to Target ended the dress hunt without a dress but with new shoes. Oh well

    When we got home we realized there would be no outdoor dining as the clouds were looking quite ominous. We dressed, complete with new shoes and headed to dinner. While at dinner M told me he had a “silly” gift for me to open that night. I didn’t think much of this as I figured he had found some sort of Auburn memorabilia at a local sports store. After dinner we decided to head to The Cheesecake Factory for dessert. As we were waiting for a drink and cheesecake, I told M that friend of ours had asked me if I thought he would propose. I told her that if he did, he would give me a ring pop first. I explained this was a running joke with M and I. He just chuckled and asked if they still made those. With cheesecake in hand we headed back to the house. Once we were changed and back downstairs M asked if I was ready for my gift. I said sure. I grabbed the box from the coffee table and began to unwrap it. Having no idea what the box might contain, I was quite shocked to see a ring pop right there in front of my eyes. I looked at M and as I turned he pulled a ring out of his pocket. He told me that he wanted me to be his wife and “will you marry me?” I immediately began to cry just looking at him. I finally managed to say “I think I’m supposed to say Maaaaybee.” “HAHA yes!!!” And kissed him. He put the ring on my finger and I noticed he was shaking. Awww how sweet considering he had known my answer for months.

    Now a few days have passed and the weight of the ring has become a familiar feeling. With that feeling comes the knowledge that soon enough I will be M’s wife.

    ~ and just as a side note M did get me an actual gift for my birthday, a cute pink Ipod shuffle

  • Another birthday cake fail!

    Grrrr!  Saturday was Matt’s birthday.  We’ve been together for 4 of his birthdays so far and I would say 3 have ended in cake fail.  I have no idea what it is.  I *can* bake.  I can bake well actually but his birthday cakes always turn into some sort of disaster.

    The first year I was in the process of moving so I had to buy new cake forms.  This is commonly referred to as the Grand Canyon cake.  (The link will show all the cakes.)  The next year I decided to play with fondant.  It turned out eh, okay.  The red velvet wasn’t dense enough to hold the wait of the fondant.  The next year the cake was okay.  Well this year I told him I would make red velvet cupcakes.  We would take them to our tail gate.  Our tail gate was kind of lame and the cupcakes, which started out in the shade, ended up in the sun before I knew it.  Next thing I know the icing has completely melted everywhere!  Ughh!  Thankfully I had put a few back for later so when we go home we had decent cupcakes.  (Oh and by the way I didn’t even bother taking pics.)

    It’s just annoying that I keep failing his birthday cakes.

    Anyway I hope he had a great birthday!  Love ya Matte!


  • Happy Birthday Brooklyn Grace!

    At 2:53pm today Brooklyn Grace made her entrance into this world.  I actually knew Brandi was at the hospital yesterday and in labor when I wrote my post about her birth announcements. 😉

    It was a really long day as the girls anxiously awaited word Brooklyn was finally here.  Awww!  Such an exciting day.  I can’t wait to meet the newest little VIP’er.


  • Cruising

    A few months ago Matt’s parents asked if we would like to go on a cruise in the Spring.  Of course we said yes and now we will be taking a family vacation to the Caribbean over my birthday!  Whoop whoop!  That is the one great thing about having a March birthday.  My birthday almost always landed during Spring Break.  🙂

    Today his mom booked our trip and we are going to Cozumel, Belize, Honduras, and Costa Maya.  I am really looking forward to Belize the most.  I think it looks like a beautiful place.  Not to mention neither Matt nor myself have ever been on a cruise so this will be a new experience for us.  I guess I can put in my vacation request at work soon too.  hehe.  My coworker is going to hate me. 😉

    YAY Cruise!


  • Happy Birthday

    Mr Julio!  Today is the day we assume you were born so that makes you officially 2 years old.

    I can’t believe it’s almost been 2 years since we got Julio.  He is such a fun little guy and adds so much to our family.  Even though he still annoys the hell out of Hal I think she really does tolerate him. 😉


  • Happy Birthday Halle

    Halle turned 11 on Sunday.  Her day was filled with much of the usual, napping, napping, eating, napping, hissing and growling at Julio and lastly napping. 🙂

    The kiddos get a special treat for birthdays.  They get yummy yummy canned food.  Of course, to be fair, they each will get a spoonful however if Julio starts slacking Hal will slowly make her way to his side of the plate to help him finish.  {How nice of her}

    Happy Birthday Halle!  Mommy loves you!