Goes the carpet guys! WOOO HOOO! I’m not gonna lie it does kind of sound like the ceiling is coming down but I am super excited to finally have the nasty old carpet out of our house. YAY! I haven’t ventured upstairs since they started actually putting carpet down so I don’t know what to expect yet. Of course I will post pics.
This weekend Matt and I cleaned the closets out, again. Since we had to get everything off the floors. We took 4 more bags full of clothing and housewares to Goodwill. I knew we needed to do another pass since the last time we cleaned out closets. We probably threw away 10 different empty shoe boxes yesterday. For some reason Matt likes to keep boxes. Our whole spare room closet is full of various electronics boxes. *shakes head* Anyway, I knew we had a lot we needed to get rid of and this time he was a little more apt to throw things out. I also rearranged all my clothes. They desperately needed it. I feel like I just kind of throw stuff in the closet when I moved in, oh 2 years ago. 😉 Hopefully we can keep things a bit more organized going forward.
A quick update on Fifty Shades of Gray, I am totally addicted. *kicks self* I finished book one on Saturday night and now I’m halfway through book two. Since I’m working from home today I will probably read another chapter during my “lunch”.
Today has gone pretty good so far. I am on track to stay right at my 1000 calorie goal. I haven’t had dinner but there is nothing but grilled chicken and salad in my future. I’m not going to lie, I’ve dropped down to 1200 before but never any lower. It’s hard. You don’t realize how much you eat until you count calories. With that being said I can totally do this for 10 days. It’s a short manageable goal. I even worked out with weights today. Watch out!
In other news I finally broke down and bought Fifty Shades of Grey last night. I haven’t started yet but for $10.00 it better be good dammit! Not to mention I’m a little pissed I even bought it. I hadn’t planned to jump on the band wagon.