No shoes = Kindle?
I just thought about it but I guess I should really update you about “the” shoes and I don’t mean my flip flops. You know the adorable Calvin Kleins I was supposed to get. Well on Saturday I made Matt run to the mall. I really needed some more makeup but I also wanted to get some new shoes. After running to the Bare Minerals store we headed to Macy’s. Lo and behold I found my shoes quite quickly. To my disappointment they really weren’t want I thought I wanted. While they were really cute and comfy sling backs the heels just weren’t tall enough. I’m short! I need heels! Or should I say I WANT heels! These just weren’t high enough to make me the height I am. 😉 I did browse the shoe section to make sure there was nothing else that caught my eye. Booo! I came home shoeless.
A few of the knotties turned nesters decided to start a book club. I like to read so I decided to join in. A book was decided on and it was time to start reading. I told Matt after we left the mall that we needed to run by Target so I could get our book club book. He then asked me if we needed to get me a Kindle. With a small gleam in my eye I said yes. Secretly I’ve kind of wanted a Kindle since he got one. Really I think it was more because he had one and I didn’t {I know I know}. We headed to Best Buy to buy me a Kindle! YAY!
I really really wanted a white Kindle but at nearly $200.00 it just wasn’t worth it. I don’t really need wireless AND 3G, which is the only option for white. I only need wireless so I settled for the gray wireless one with Ads. Go me! I saved us another $20.00 because the Kindle with Ads is cheaper. The compromise is that I can get the AWESOME pink cover. I ordered that as soon as we got home. Now if the damn thing would ship.
I will say while the Kindle is very easy to read the lack of page numbers is killing me. I accidently pressed the wrong button last night {quite a few times dammit!} and got lost. Ughh! I know you can press the menu button to see the page number but really I just need page numbers!