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This ain’t no fashion blog

But today I’m going to talk a little fashion. 😉  Last week I posted about the adorable Jessica Simpson heels I bought.  Last fall I found a great J Simpson bag at Stein Mart.  I pretty much love everything about it and I intend to buy another one of her bags.  It is really nice and looks and feels like a quality bag.  All in all I have been more then impressed with her items.

Well today I couldn’t help myself.  I ran to Stein Mart to look for some flip flops but as I was browsing the sunglasses I noticed she also has sunglasses!  OMG!  I was pretty excited. 😉   A lot of them were a little bigger then I like but I did find a pair that looked great on.  They are a little bigger then my current sunglasses but those are all wonky and drive me nuts.  And these were only $16.99.  Score!  Again these sunglasses feel really nice and much nicer then the other comparable sunglasses.

Bottom line, I love all the Jessica Simpson lines.  She is slowing knocking Nine West out of my life.  I do wonder if she will move to baby items when she pops.  I kind of hope so, though that could be really bad. 😉


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