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What I bought vs what I wore

The other day at JCPenny I bought a cute pair of wool shorts with a little bit of shimmer. At the whooping low price of $13.00 I knew I couldn’t pass them up. Then I found a cute red top also with a bit of shimmer. They looked cute together but I could also wear the shirt to work so it was win win.

As the week progressed, I started to think the outfit might not be quite as dressy as I would like so yesterday at lunch I decided to run to Marshall’s just to see what they had. I found a couple of cute dressy dresses but nothing I felt would work with the booties. Next I headed to Target for a pair of tights. I walked through the clothes and just when I was about to leave the section I noticed a cute sequined purple top. At $25.00 I knew it was mine. I grabbed my size and was on my way.

I left work early to start getting ready for the company party. I spent a good chunk of my time painting my nails. I think I did a decent job considering. Once I was ready to get dressed I put on my new top, tights, shorts and shoes. Needless to say I was very happy with my ensemble. And happy I got a new shirt.

So without further ado, here’s what I bought and what I wore.





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