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A Tale of Two Curtains

A week or so ago I decided I wanted curtains for the master bedroom.  I’ve known for a while I wanted curtains in our room but I’ve just been kind of at a loss as to what color I should do.  Our walls are painted a soft grey and our bedding is a teal-y green and cream.


As you can see the green isn’t a common color and even though the white looks white, it has more cream undertones. Not that I wanted white curtains but I felt it would make it hard to use cream.

I found 2 sets of curtains that I like. One from Walmart and one from Target. I had the Walmart ones shipped to our local store. Then I ran to Target last weekend and found one of the panels that I liked from there. So now I have the Target curtain haphazardly hanging from a clothes hanger on the window.  As you can see they are completely different.  I love the ones from Walmart and feel they would add a splash of color and some interest to the room but I have no clue if the colors will match or even coordinate.  The Target curtains are just a solid grey.  These would make the room a bit darker I think, which is okay.  I think the color coordinates with the bedding even though they are totally different colors.

Since I have no idea what color I want to use, I don’t want to spend a small fortune on curtains. Let’s face it, curtains can be quite pricey. This also leads to my next dilemma. We have 3 windows side by side but they don’t butt up to one another but they also aren’t spaced out far. I’m talking a 2 to 3″ gap between the molding. So do I do 4 panels or can I get away with 2? {I feel like 4 full panels will overwhelm the windows.} Or can I use 3 panels and cut one in half and do half panels between the windows? At this point I’m not really sure. I ran to Home Goods yesterday and picked up a curtain rod. Then I got a text from Walmart last night saying my curtains were ready for pick up.

I’m going to make Matt hang the rod this weekend.  Then I will take pics of both options.  Should the Target curtains win I’ll need to place an order for the other panel since I currently only have one.


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