Happy Easter!
Yesterday Matt and I along with my parents spent the day in Greensboro with my cousin and her husband. We arrived at their house around 11:30 and ate lunch a little after noon. I had spent a few hours on Saturday night baking an apple pie. It turned out a little more “rustic” than I would have preferred but oh well. It tasted yummy!
After a nice lunch, we all headed back to the kitchen for dessert, then the guys sat down to watch the Michigan/Florida basketball game. My cousin mentioned she bought some Easter egg kits so mom and I told her we’d be happy to color eggs. This kept us occupied for a while. Surprisingly, our eggs didn’t turn out that great! HAHA! We had fun though and that’s all that matters. One of my cousin’s eggs got lovingly named the “ugly egg winner.” Mom said you have to have one in each group. 🙂

After coloring eggs and making a mess the four of us headed back to Raleigh. Matt was set on watching the second half of the Duke Louisville game. We watched the game and turned in early.
Happy Easter!