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It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas!

Matt and I just took out our first batch of Christmas cookies!  We’ve started a tradition of making sugar cookies that we decorate and ginger bread cookies.  Matt likes the ginger ones better and I like the sugar ones.  Don’t get me wrong both of them are really yummy but we each have our favorite.  I think that’s good though.  It adds some variety since I would probably only make the sugar cookies since I like to decorate them.

In other Christmas related news, there is two days till our Christmas!  Basically tomorrow is Christmas Eve for me and Matt.  Since we will go to his parent’s house for Christmas we are having “our” Christmas Friday morning!  I am really excited.  I like this little tradition of opening our gifts at home before heading out.  Plus it doesn’t make much sense to haul gifts to his parent’s house only to turn around and bring them home.  We normally have enough stuff to bring back without adding to it.  🙂


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