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Just Because

The other day I came home and there was a package on the counter.  I looked at it and saw it had been delivered to Matt at work.  I figured it was a work thing but I didn’t understand why it was unopened.  I asked Matt what it was and he told me to open it.  Then, of course, I realized it was a gift for me!  YAY!

I opened the package and inside was a Kindle Paper White.  🙂  I’d been hinting for a few weeks that I would like one.  I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately and I thought it would be nice to be able to read with the lights off.  Plus my old Kindle has some small cracks around the page buttons (not that that in any way affected my ability to read it.)


Now that I had a cute new Kindle I needed a new case.  The Paper White is smaller than my original Kindle so I set off to find something on Amazon.  The new PW also doesn’t have the silly little side holders either so most of the new cases are either full surrounds or clip ins.  I found an adorable clip in case and for 10.00 with Prime I was sold.  It arrived yesterday and I couldn’t be happier.  The little case looks elegant and stylish and is just the right shade of teal.


I have a pretty great husband!  And I hope he knows just how much I love him!  <3

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