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Lovey dovey

Sometimes you just need to write a lovey, dovey post about your honey!

Matt is such a wonderful husband and I try to tell him this as much as I can.  I hope he knows just how much I love and appreciate everything he does for me!  We’ve been through ups and downs and good times and bad times in the almost 3 years we’ve been married.  Some of which, other couples might not would have made it through but I feel like our marriage is so much stronger having gone through the good and bad together.  I know that he is always here for me whether it’s helping me clean the house or offering a much needed hug after a bad day.  Sometimes it’s just sitting on the couch cuddling while watching TV.

He is kind and compassionate.  He is not petty or catty.  He doesn’t argue over stupid stuff, nor does he treat me poorly or disrespect me.  I couldn’t have asked for a better husband and partner!

I love you Matte!


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