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Skinny jeans…

I may have gone shopping this weekend and it may have resulted in some sparkly earrings, another pair of wedges, and *gasp* skinny jeans.

I don’t think I’ve really discussed my dislike for skinny jeans.  Now I don’t think they look bad on everyone but well let’s just say I think they should be worn with discretion.  Anyway my closet is starting to fill up with cute shoes, cute shoes that are mostly hidden underneath jean legs.  My only real option, skinny jeans.

Over the weekend Matt and I ran by American Eagle so I could try on a pair of skinny jeans.  I mean up until now I’d not had a reason to even try them on but I needed a new pair of jeans and well, you know the shoe issue.  I grabbed a couple of pairs and finally decided on one.  I don’t think they look horrible but I do feel a little hippy.  I wore them to work today, along with my new wedges, and dare I say I actually felt kind of stylish.  *AAHHH*  I know right?!?!

So I’m still not completely sold on the whole skinny jean craze but I think they will do for summer.



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