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  • It was a good fight! (Warning it’s a football post)

    Last night was the BCS Championship game.  My beloved Auburn Tigers miraculously made it to the final game after a crazy season.  I think I mentioned I had no expectations for this season.  Last year we were awful and I just hoped to win a few games. Armed with a new head coach and a new QB we had to be a little better right?

    I’m not going to recap the season or even last night’s game but I want to say that Auburn played their hearts out last night.  They were ahead for most of the game and pretty much dominated the first half.  A late touchdown at the end of the half swung the momentum back to FSU and they seemed to keep it up until the end.

    With a minute left Auburn was leading by 4 but a drive down the field and a costly penalty resulted in a FSU touchdown to put them ahead.  Unfortunately there wasn’t much Auburn could do with only seconds left in the game.

    I’m not gonna lie, I was pretty bummed we didn’t pull out the win.  Not because the guys didn’t try because they did.  They played their hearts out and you can’t fault that.  But losing sucks!  Even when you play hard, or maybe even more because you played hard.  In the end, Auburn did what I wanted and that was, show up and play hard and it was great game.  A nail biter but a great game!  I couldn’t be PROUDER to BE AN AUBURN TIGER!



  • SEC Champ to National Title

    Saturday was the SEC Championship game.  Third ranked Auburn played #5 Mizzou.  I thought this was kind of cool considering both teams were at the bottom of their divisions last year.  Both had improved and kicked ass.  I’m not gonna lie, I was nervous.  Mizzou is tough and I was scared the game might not go Auburn’s way.  The score was back and forth and by the end of  the first half, it was the highest scoring first half ever for an SEC championship game.

    My Tigers hung in there and were able to pull away from Mizzou in the second half and secure the win.  Then I got really nervous.  One of 3 things needed to happen for Auburn to go to the National Title game: # 2 Ohio State needed to lose to #10 Michigan State, #1 Florida State needed to lose to #20-something Duke, or Ohio State AND Florida State needed to lose.  Florida State losing was pretty improbable.  Both Ohio State and Florida State losing also seemed never impossible so that left Ohio State losing.

    Auburn had clearly played and beaten more and higher ranked teams than Ohio State (so really Auburn should have been #2 but the only way for Auburn to leapfrog OSU was to have them lose at this point.)  So when the Ohio State v. Michigan State game started Matt and I were rooting for good ol’ Sparty!  It was a close game but in the end Michigan State pulled out the win.  Matt and I were ecstatic!  This meant Auburn was going to Pasadena to play the National Title game at the Rose Bowl.  It also meant Michigan State was playing Stanford at the Rose Bowl.  (Just something else I thought was neat.)

    Auburn has had a miraculous season.  A season I never dreamed possible.  After such a disappointing season last year I was just hoping for a few more wins than losses this year.  Never did I believe we would end up back at the Title game.  Actually it never even crossed my mind, at least not till the very end of the season.

    WAR EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • It’s a football post

    About two weeks ago Auburn fired their current head coach Gene Chizik.  After an embarrassing 3-9 season it was time for him to go.  No one should really be surprised since his record was 5-19 when he was hired a few years ago.  Fans were so upset they actually boo’ed him getting off the plane when he was hired.  Then came the 2010 season.  Chizik, along with super star player Cam Newton, led the Tigers to a perfect season that was capped off with a Nation Championship.

    The next year Cam left and the team was not the same but they did not have the terrible season we faced this year.  I stopped watching the games because we looked awful.  It was like watching a train wreck and you could do nothing about it.  Even my crazy football superstitions weren’t enough to help.

    Needless to say the fan base was not sad to see Chizik receive his walking papers.  Then the hunt for a new coach began.  Several names were thrown around, each of which stirred some sort of emotion with the fans.  I had a few ideas of who I would like but I figured our AD wouldn’t make the best choice.  When you have a powerhouse school like Alabama a few miles up the road you really need to think about who can bring your school back to a competitive level.  But I don’t want competitive!  I want a coach who is going to come in and DOMINATE!  (I guess every school hopes this but I feel like it should be Auburn.)

    Last night it was announced that former Auburn OC and current head coach for Arkansas State Gus Malzahn had been hired.  Okay so we could do worse right?  Sure.  But could we do better?  Hell yeah!  Granted Gus was at Auburn for the 2010 season and National title but he’s only been a college head coach for one year!  To me, he has yet to prove himself.  For the most part the fans seemed to welcome Gus back to the Plains but only time will tell what will really happen.  Is he “the” guy?  Will he take us back to a NC?  Will he beat our rivals?  At this point I guess he just needs to win more than 3 non conference games.

    Only time will tell where our program will go but if we want chance, we need a change and we need to start at the top.  I’m looking at you AD Jay Jacobs!  May your time on the Plains is short!
