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  • 10/21/09

    Yesterday was crazy busy and I was up to my eyes in emails until the minute I left.  Thankfully today at work has been pretty slow.  This has given me some free time and I’ve spent most of the afternoon browsing through my first blog.  That’s right folks, there was a blog before this one!  And to be honest, I think it was better.  For most of that blog, I was in the middle of wedding planning so there were lots of wedding planning posts.  There were also lots of rants too!  Nothing gets a girl worked up like wedding (and non wedding) related drama!

    Anyway, so I started looking and I’ve been blogging for almost 5 years, 10-29-09? Um WOW!  That’s crazy.  What’s crazier is I still probably only have like 5 followers.  HAHA!  Blogging has never been about being the most popular blog on the web.  I’ll be the first to say just how boring I am but I do like to write (though again, I feel like my writing was better back then too!)  I was much better about blogging daily through the week on the old blog too.  Basically it was just better and I shared my boredom much more freely and often.  I might repost a few things from that blog in the coming weeks.  Unfortunately we weren’t able to move those posts when I started this blog.  I think it was more of our problem and not an actual limitation of the blog itself.  Regardless, it’s still fun to go back and read about the past.  Maybe I’ll try to step up my game on this blog in the coming weeks! 😉

    Happy Friday!



  • Blah

    I am having issues with my blog header/page lately.  I want a change, I want to keep the owls but

    I want something different.  I feel like I have no creativity lately for this.  Maybe I will find my creative

    juices after a week long vacation.  That happens in a WEEK!   Wooo hooo!

    In case you haven’t noticed I have added a travel blog tab to the top of the blog.  Matt and I plan to

    start documenting our travels.  We really should go back and document our London Trip from a few

    years ago.  I will leave that one to the hubs.  😉

    PS I’m just trying this out.  I’ve seen a few blogs that do this so we’ll see what I think.


  • Cha-cha-cha-chaaaannngggeesss!

    That’s right.  I finally got around to changing some things up.  I’m not sure I’m 100% about this current theme but it will work for a little while.  Everything is new and different.  And lucky for me the new blog theme offers TONS of customization options.  I can change almost everything.  So far I’m pretty happy.

    This is not to say I won’t continue to playing around with things.  I guess we will see how it goes.

    Happy Hump Day!

  • Time for a change?

    A blog change that is.  It’s been about 3 months since I set the new blog up and while I like my current blog theme I feel like it might be time for a change.  {Holy Crap tomorrow will be 3 months!  Love ya hon!}  It took me a while to even find a theme I liked so I don’t imagine finding another one will be really easy.  Thankfully I bookmarked a link to hundreds of themes.  I guess I will start looking around to see what I can find.

    Yes I know it’s Friday and there are no pics.  I’m awful.  I plan to go on a little road trip this weekend to take a few pics.  And by road trip I mean I want to run over to Edwards Mill {it’s a road, a road I drive on EVERYDAY} to take some pics of the cool little barn and then across the street are horses AND cows.  It’s a pretty busy little road and I don’t really want to stop on my way to or from work.  Plus there is a lot of tall grass and I’m not sure wedges would be my best defense against you know, snakes or something.  Hopefully it won’t be raining I will get a chance to take some good pics.  I love to take landscape pics.  I would love to make a coffee table book of old barns from all around.  Do people even still buy coffee table books?  Hmm.

    Happy Friday!
