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  • Friday fun day?

    Last night the girls has our 3rd annual ornament exchange.  This is really fun and I love the tradition we’ve started.  It’s fun to go out and buy a cute ornament.  Pier 1 is my fave store for this.  The past 2 years I’ve ended up with really great ornaments.  Last year I got a super cute bell snowman and this year I got a red ball with silver glittery reindeer.  🙂  Now I just need to hang my new ornament on the tree.

    I had the day off today so this morning I took Hal to the vet.  She’s been throwing up a good bit lately and I thought it was time to get her checked out.  The vet did some blood work and will let me know the results on Monday.  She also found 2 of her top teeth are really bad.  She said the tooth decay could be causing her to be sick.  My guess is that she isn’t chewing well and it’s making her sick. 🙁  I guess as long as her blood work comes back okay she will go back to the vet in January to have her teeth cleaned and possibly have the 2 bad teeth removed.  Poor girl.  I know she’s getting old but if that will help her feel better we will do it.

    Matt and I have also noticed she seems to be walking a little gingerly and the vet confirmed that she has come cartilage wear in her front left leg.  I got her some medicine that should help with repair and she’s also now going to get a little canned food since the med is a powder.  (She LOVES canned food!)

    After an oh so fun trip to the vet I ran to the salon to get my hair cut.  I think I really like my new stylist.  A few more cuts and I will know for sure.  Then I hit the UPS store to mail mom and dad’s Christmas gifts.  Unfortunately they may not make it in time. 🙁  That’s what I get for buying dad an odd shaped gift.  One quick trip to the mall and Christmas shopping was officially DONE!  I got home and wrapped presents and I am ready for the holiday!

    Wow I feel like I was busy today!


  • I is crafty

    Over the weekend I got the craft bug.  A trip to Michael’s and lots of money later I had tons of stuff for various craft projects.  One such idea I found on Pinterest was to use old cookie cutters and make them into Christmas ornaments.  As luck would have it I HAVE a few old cookie cutters that would be great ornaments.  And lets face it I couldn’t (and didn’t) use them.  So instead of them continuing to sit in the kitchen taking up space I decided to give them new life.

    First I found some cute scrapbook paper.  Then I cut the paper to fit inside each cookie cutter.  This is not as easy as you might think.  After the first one I had the brilliant idea to use some ink on the cookie cutter to help give me a better outline.  That was a HUGE help.

    The horse was a pain even with the outline.

    As you can imagine stamping the outline on the back of the paper helped a lot.  Once I got the paper in both cutters I proceeded to slather them in mod podge.   At first I just put it on the cutter and put the paper on.  It easily came out so I decided to just go for it.  Then I added some cute scrap book flowers.  It wasn’t exactly what I was looking for but at that point I had been in Michael’s entirely too long.

    They don’t look bad.  I think the tree looks better with the flower but whatever.  I just need to add some ribbon to the back (once I get glue sticks to fit the glue gun I bought) and I think I might paint the outside of the horse.  I haven’t decided yet.  But as you can see I have a couple of cute ornaments that have meaning and only cost me a few bucks to make.
