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Whatever Wednesday

This week has been dragging.  Maybe it’s because vacation is next week or maybe it’s because it’s just been slow.  It doesn’t help that the weather has royally sucked this week!  It’s down right cold outside today, the FIRST of MAY!  Are you kidding?!?!!  It’s been cloudy, rainy and cold and it sucks!  I’m ready for spring!  But I know what’s going to happen, the weather is going to finally warm up to summer like temps.  Then everyone will be complaining that it’s too hot, me included.

One thing I’m looking forward to this weekend is my mani-pedi scheduled for Saturday.  Mom and I are going to a place downtown.  Unfortunately it seems to be just one lady so we will have to wait on each other, which means we are going to be there for a while.  Oh well.  I don’t have anything else planned for Saturday.

One week till vacation!  Woo hooo!


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