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Yard work Update

I decided I was having a competition with our neighbors across the street for the best yard.  They ripped out their bushes a few weeks before we did and planted one measly little plant.  It died before they got the other 2 in.  They’ve since added a couple of mums and bush but still, I feel like they had no direction so  clearly we just won.  In this post I showed you the before and after.  This weekend Matt and I ran to Lowe’s and got 5 small azaleas and a flat of pansies.  I bought 2 mums a few weeks ago but with my surgery I hadn’t been able to plant them.

I asked my mom and dad to come over yesterday and help me plant my bushes.  I figured mom would enjoy doing some yard work since that’s her thing.  We figured out our arrangement and my dad was nice enough to dig holes for us so we could plant everything.  We staggered the azalea’s  put the mums at the bottom and planted the pansies in between the mums.  I think the arrangement turned out well.  Mom also brought me her irises.  We planted them on the side of the house for now.  Once mom and dad get settled she will take the ones she wants and leave me a few.  They aren’t really in the best spot but living in a townhouse there isn’t that much room to plant things.




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