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Day: January 24, 2012

It’s been about a year

It’s been about a year

Since I got off my anxiety meds.  I think it was around this time last year that I cut the ties and decided to face my anxiety head on.  I was thinking about what I could write and I was pretty sure I had written about stopping before.  Well lo and behold I did write a post about my anxiety about 6 or 7 months ago.  Shockingly it was pretty much exactly what I was going to say again.  {Glad I found it.}

Anyway I’m pretty sure January is the one year mark and I must say I think I’m doing really well.  Sure I’ve had a few episodes but for the most part I rarely even think about it now.  {YAY me!}

What really made me think of this is the doctor who helped me.  I feel like she gave me the encouragement I needed to stop or even to try to stop.  This very same doctor has also gone MIA.  I saw her a few weeks ago, she ordered some labs, and now I can’t find her.  Thankfully it was nothing too important but still, I paid for a service and she hasn’t honored her end.  I’m not sure what’s next.  I’ve never really had a doctor up and disappear.


I’m in love

I’m in love

with dark nail polish.  I’m not sure what it is but I am in LOVE with dark nail polish lately.  I’ve gone from grayish black, to gray, to purpley black.  This comes from a girl who probably hasn’t painted her nails in YEARS!  Sure I’ve had the occasional french manicure but rarely do I ever paint my nails a color.  My toes, sure.  I love them to be colorful and fun but not on my hands.

This all changed a few months ago.  I was painting my toes a deep gray when I decided to try it on my fingernails.  Since I had a done an okay job with the polish I decided to leave it on for a few days, just to see.  And that ya’ll, is when I fell in love with dark polish.  I will say I kind of suck at painting my nails.  This latest coat is not great, it has some small bubbles and a few chips already but it’s just so awesome.

Every Sunday, while Matt watches football, I sit at the coffee table and repaint my nails.  Ahhh.  😉



P.S.  Glitter polish is super awesome but a HUGE pain in the ass to remove.  Consider yourself warned.
