A little this and that
This week is creeping by. Yesterday was sooo slow I thought I was going to die. This morning I wake up, get to work only to find out the power is out AGAIN! Ughh. I turned around and came home. It is so nice to have a laptop now. I have everything I need should I need to work from home.
I might have made a little time to do my nails. 🙂
You may remember this pic. Well this is what my begonias look like now. I think our little bunny friend did some snacking plus I think they took a pounding by all the rain. Oh yeah, I don’t think I’ve actually mentioned all the damn rain we’ve had lately. It’s crazy. It seems like almost everyday for the last few weeks we get rain. Like down pours. The rest of the country might be having a drought but people are going to start growing webbed feet around here it’s so wet.
I planted my begonias next to our porch. Our porch doesn’t have gutters so I think the rain runs off and right onto them. For a while they were doing pretty good but it looked like they were breaking at the roots. The rain is the only thing I could come up with. Then the bunny. But as you can see they are coming back. I’m pretty impressed since I haven’t done much with them. A few weekends ago I got out and put a little more soil around them and kind of pushed them back in the ground so I guess it worked.
Anyway back to work. I still have to paint my other hand. 😉