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Faux Thanksgiving

Last week, Matt decided he wanted to fry a turkey this weekend so we picked one up at the grocery store along with a few other items for our Thanksgiving meal. We decided we would run to Costco and get another turkey for Thanksgiving. Well while at Costco yesterday we couldn’t find a turkey the right size for Thanksgiving so we grabbed a smaller one to fry when we got home. We didn’t think it was frozen until Matt started to cut it open and then he realized the inside was still just a tad frozen.

Matt put the bird in the fryer and we let it cook for a while before I started a few side items. I made some sweet potatoes, which were delicious and stuffing. The stuffing was a little lacking for me and I added some cranberries to my side. I think I’m going to have to play with that a little more. It was also a little too gooey so I’ll adjust my cooking on Thursday. We also made some gravy. It was pretty tasty but it wasn’t quite thick enough for my taste so we might adjust that a little bit more as well.

The bird looked pretty delicious out of the fryer but there were a few spots close to the bone not quite cooked. We just ate around it. 🙂 It was delicious. I’m kind of glad we did a little test run before Thursday, not that we really did anything on the menu but dinner was yummy!



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