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Hello my pretty!

The other day I was at Carolina pottery when I stumbled across this adorable vase. It was pink, had flowers, and well, it was cheap! I was surprised when I saw the price tag read $7.99. Score! For that price I knew I couldn’t not get it. As I looked closer I noticed one of the side flowers was a little chipped. I figured that would get me at least 10% off. Watch out with my .79 savings. 🙂


For now I’ve decided the vase will live on our chest of drawers. I don’t know if this is where it will stay since I still haven’t figure out exactly what I want to do on the chest of drawers but it does look purdy! I love the pink against the grey wall. And I think a little pop of pink with the teal quilt will be nice. Maybe I’ll have to look for a decorative pillow for the bed now. Shhh don’t tell Matt. 😉

~ k

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