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I’m a holiday slacker

I just can’t get in the mood to decorate the tree.  I don’t know what it is.  It is currently chillin’ in the corner of the den waiting to be fluffed, lit and decorated.  Right now it is a sad sad tree.  But I DON’T WANNA decorate it right now.  I still haven’t finished my decorative Christmas trees from last week.  Not to mention the stack of Christmas cards that need to be addressed, stamped and mailed.  Ughh, why do I suck right now?  I think tomorrow is my day.  Matt is going to the State basketball game with the guys so hopefully I can find my Christmas cheer and decorate.

I’ll post pics once the house is done.



  • MrsMcCaul

    Me too!! I am usually super into Christmas but this year I just can’t do it. I did go into our crawlspace to look for Christmas stuff and ended up walking right back out after seeing how much stuff we have!!

    • MrsKtotheE

      I don’t know why I am fighting it this year. I now have the tree up and lit but will I put the decorations on tonight, I don’t know.

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