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OCM – Day 3

Over the weekend Matt and I ran some errands and while we were out we bought some Castor Oil and Sunflower Seed Oil.  Saturday night I started OCM (oil cleansing method).  As I mentioned a few days ago the thought is that by using “good” oil on your skin it will help get rid of the “bad” pore clogging oil and dirt.

I used a 70/30 mixture of Sunflower Seed Oil to Castor Oil.  This is the recommended ratio for oily skin.  I must say it’s pretty weird to slather oil all over your face.  If you’re like me you spent a good portion of your teen years trying to remove as much oil as possible.  But as I got older I learned more and realized striping all the oil from your skin wasn’t a good idea either.

Anyway, I messaged the oil into my skin while I let a wash cloth sit under the hot water.  Once I left I had sufficiently oiled myself I laid the hot wash cloth on my face to steam.  {Please use caution with the hot water.  You want it hot but not scalding.}  After my steam I rinsed the wash cloth and begin to remove the oil.  I was really surprised how nice my skin felt after.  Honestly I expected it might be kind of greasy but it was soft and clean feeling.  And I didn’t get the tight clean feeling.  So far I’ve done it morning and night since Saturday and my skin looks good and it feels nice.  I even feel like my make-up has stayed on a bit better.  Not to mention this stuff is GREAT for removing eye make up.  😉

I’ll give a few more updates before I make my final decision but as I mentioned before as long as my skin doesn’t go crazy I’ll probably stick with this.  It a cheap and natural way to cleanse your skin.


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