Pinterest Project – Watercolor State
Last week I bought some watercolors. I haven’t played with watercolor since I was a kid but I’ve been itching to get my hands on some kind of paint so I finally decided to make this project. Much to my surprise watercolors aren’t that expensive. Michael’s had several different sets starting at $5.00. I decided the $5.00 pack would be fine for now. If I find I’m painting a lot more I’ll invest in better supplies but for now this will do. I also grabbed a pack of brushes, a paint wheel, and a water color note pad. In total I spent 17 bucks and change. Not too shabby considering water colors will last forever.
On to the project. Here is my inspiration piece. I’ve seen this done with several different states and I thought, what the hey, I can do this! Last night I broke out the paints to see what I could still do. I definitely need to play around more with my watercolor but all in all I don’t think mine looks awful. (Well except for the yellow streaks.)

As you can see it’s not bad, but it’s not good either. Again this was just my practice piece. And I lost it when I decided to add drip marks, ie the yellow streaks. I really just need to get familiar with my paints again and then I can find my way. I also might work a little more on my NC. This was just drawn free hand looking at a map online. I also need to work on my blending. 😀 Lots more to work on….
I have a feeling I will work on this again this week so watch out for another, better picture soon!
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