New faucets
I know I mentioned last week that we bought new faucets and even changed a few out but I haven’t posted pics. So here goes. But first let me just say:
Dear Plumber, while I appreciate the fact that you took pride in your work, for the love of god why did you make all the fittings so damn tight?!?!?!? Seriously as a woman there was no way I was going to get these fittings off. Next time please remember not so tight!
For real though, I replaced the faucet in my townhouse all by myself. But when I tried to replace the ones in our house, faaaagaahda about it! {Best Jersey accent} Poor Matt had to help me replace all of them. And we still have one more to go.
Here is a pic of the before faucet.
As you can see it was boring and blah. All the bathroom faucets were the same.
This is the new faucet for our downstairs bathroom. Since this bathroom is on the main floor I decided I wanted something a little “fancier”. Matt and I both liked this one and it was pretty reasonably priced.
This the faucet we got for the rest of the bathrooms, so ours and our guest bathroom upstairs. They are simple and sleek and they were really inexpensive. 😉
Happy Friday!
I like owls
For some weird reason, lately I am really digging owls. Hence the new blog header. 🙂 Today I was browsing Etsy and I found some cute owl prints. They are printed on old dictionary paper. I think I’m in love. I have no idea where I would put them but they are just so cute.
I really need to get back in the swing of decorating. I’ve said it numerous times but I really need to start making Matt’s house feel like “our” house. We have different tastes though so I have try to incorporate more modern ideas in with my traditional style. My problem is I love so many different styles its hard for me to choose just one. Oh well, I just need to keep looking and working on it.
I’ve been shopping
Today at lunch I went to one of my fave lunch time spots, yep Carolina Pottery. I actually only set out to buy my big vase, you may remember this post, and to get an NC State blanket for the new car. I decided I had put off my new vase long enough and Matt and I wanted a blanket to keep in the car for tailgating. Not that I think we will do a lot of sitting in the back but if we do we’d like it to not get scratched up.
Anyway, I got my vase and while I was looking around I noticed a few candle sticks. For $14.99 I figured this was a good deal and would get me on my way to getting the fireplace finished. So I added those to my cart. Then I had to walk past all of the Halloween stuff on my way to the NC State stuff. This made me think I might need something for the door. I found a cute fall wreath so that also got added to the cart. The only thing that didn’t get added to my cart was our blanket. For some reason they didn’t have any. They had tons of random stuff so I was kind of surprised they didn’t have a blanket. Oh well. We still have another week or so before the car is here.
Speaking of the car – it is on a boat!
Now I’m sure you are dying to see all my goodies. Well you are in luck. 😉
I’m not sure about the pics in the middle but I’m just going to leave it for now. Also I think the kitty condo is going to move upstairs. Julio rarely sits in so I think that might be a better place for it.
Don’t you love the vase?
From a distance. Notice my little friend is alive and well. 🙂
A close up. You can’t really tell but the ribbon is orange with green dots.
You light up my house?
Literally Matt lit up our house this weekend, with lights. For a while now I’ve wanted to replace the lighting through out the house. Most of our fixtures were these yucky old gold fixtures. I knew it wouldn’t take a lot to replace them so once we had more cash back from AMEX Matt ordered our gift cards to Lowes.
On Saturday we went and picked out our new lights. We got new outside lights, lights for the foyer, hallway lights and a fan for the guest bedroom. Oh and let’s not forget the super cute rug I found. Score! I found 3 I liked and then showed them to Matt. Much to my surprise he actually liked (or decided to tolerate my fave ;)) and we added that to our cart full.
Later that night we managed to hang the foyer light.
As you can see the one down the hallway mirrors the hanging light. Well at least as much as it could.
This is at the top of the stairs on the main floor. The ones in the upstairs hallway are similar but not quite as large.
The fan in the guest room.
Our new outdoor lights. A HUGE improvement over the old, bug-filled ones.
Our new rug. Julio loves it, of course. I really liked the colors of this one. You can’t really tell from the pic but it’s got blue and green, brown, beige and tan. It matches the color scheme I am trying to stick with. I thought Matt would be like “it’s too florally” but he didn’t. And he keeps saying he likes it. YAY!
Needless to say our weekend was pretty busy. We sent all of Sunday hanging the new lights. And we had to make another Lowe’s trip because he forgot we had 2 lights upstairs and I forgot about the one at the top of the stairs, so we had the same count and were both WRONG! HA!
The short list
It’s only Tuesday and I feel like this week is already dragging. I’m sure it doesn’t help that our system at work is having on by the proverbial thread. I keep waiting for it to just die!
Today at lunch I ran to Carolina Pottery {you see a pattern starting} to look for rugs. I am determined to replace the rug in our living room. It doesn’t really go with my “decor” vision. 🙂 Honestly I’m not really sure what this vision is yet but I think a new rug will help. Anyway, I found 3 really good contenders. I took pics and emailed them to Matt. Of course he wasn’t as fond of my favorite but I think if he sees it it might grow on him. And out of the 3 it really did seem like the nicest.
I’m thinking we will make a little trip over there this weekend to check them out. Right now this is on the top of my “want” list. The “want” list also includes painting the house, replacing the carpets, replacing the deck and having the ac fixed. Well that is really the short list. 😉
I just need fabric!
Last weekend Matt and I ended up going over to Triangle Town Center mall. There’s not a whole lot there but they have this really awesome store called ZGallerie. I love to go in this store and look around. I would love to buy some of there stuff but it’s a little pricey and I’m not sure how Matt would feel coming home to some of the items they have. Of course I think it is all fantastic. 🙂
Anyway, while we were there looking through the art work I found a couple of neat prints. They gave me an idea. Since they didn’t match our bedroom and well they were $90.00 each, which isn’t that bad, I’ve now decided to make something similar. I just need to find something with a pattern I like and colors that match our room and then I can frame them. My first thought was fabric and over the weekend we were by a fabric store so I made Matt run in. I found a really cool print in a sample pack but they were out of the bolt. Booo! There is another fabric store closer to work so I decided to run there during lunch today. I looked and looked and they had a lot of fabric but nothing I really thought would work. Plus there was a really long line at the cutting station.
Since I seemed to be out of luck in the fabric department it hit me that I might could find some cool napkins that would work. This would also keep me from having to deal with figuring out the repeat of a pattern and measuring. Because I pretty much suck at measuring. 🙂 There was a World Market next to the fabric store so I headed next door. I looked at everything from gift wrap to bags to pillows as I made my way around the store. When I finally got to the kitchen and dining section I realized they didn’t have anything either. They had some cute stuff but nothing that would match our bedroom. All in all it was pretty unproductive.
Now I am on the search for something with a cool pattern that will do with the blue and brown I have in the bedroom. Hopefully I will find something soon. If and when I do I’ll post some pics.