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  • Fa la la la Ficus Tree

    Last year our company started a “friendly” competition between the business units.  The objective was to decorate a ficus tree for Christmas using only office supplies.  Our floor threw ourselves into the spirit of competition (I mean we will do anything for a beer Friday) and had what we thought was a pretty outstanding tree.  One floor only used food items such as crackers and condiments and another was only allowed to work on their tree after hours (boo).  Needless to say our tree blew the competition away.

    This year we knew we needed to step up our game.  I mean as the winners of the last competition we knew we had to “beat” ourselves.  Well forks that is EXACTLY what we did.  For 2 days straight one of my co-workers decorated our Ficus with a little help from myself and a few others.  We are fortunate that our marketing group is pretty awesome so they had some wonderful ideas and helped out.  I almost felt as though we were cheating having them on our team.  After 2 days of cutting and copying we had a tree that was worthy of a win.  It had focus and direction, a color scheme and was pretty darn amazing, if I do say so myself.  (Everyone else thought it was amazing too, I think even Martha Stewart would like it.)  Well apparently not everyone thought it was amazing, because son of a bitch we lost!  Yeah we were all shocked.

    After the winner was announced a few people went next door to see the winning tree.  Let me just say that the bar we set last year was not met.  (And I’m going to tell you the tree we did last year pales in comparison to this year’s tree.)  It seemed pretty obvious to several of us that they didn’t just stick to “office supply” items.  Our group tried to be diligent and follow the rules, for the most part. 😉 But really we we used items we had.

    So I don’t have pic of the winning tree for 2011 but I do have a pics of our trees from both years.  As you will see the 2011 tree should have set the gold standard for Ficus tree decorating.


    As you can see we were pretty creative.  We used what we had and it was a pretty good tree.  Good enough to win the prize last year.  And that pic is not even the finished tree, it was close but not finished.


    But this year’s tree.  Well what can you say?!?!?!  It’s specatacular.  We used balloons as a tree skirt.  Spider webs from Halloween for snow and clouds.  We used solo cups as spiral thingys.  We even hung a PHONEBOOTH from the sky!!!!!  Please tell me how this is NOT a winning tree?


  • Train away

    I’ll try to make this a short story since it’s work related.  A while back my co-worker and I took over credit.  We were basically handed an out-dated SOP, trained with the girl who had done it for a few days and then we were on our own.  For the most part we were doing pretty well.  Until the other day that is.  People finally realized we really had no idea what we were looking at.  😉  So today a received word that we are now going to get some training.  WOO HOO!  I am really excited.  I love doing credit and it will be nice to finally know what I am doing.

    Bring on the training!


  • Is Frankie’s fun?

    You bet your ass it is.  Today a few groups from work had a team outing to Frankie’s Fun Park.  I’ve been to fun parks before but I’d never been to Frankie’s.  We all left work around 1:00pm ready for some fun.  We ate lunch when we got there and then we hit the go-carts.  Everyone had a blast racing each other.  Then we headed back inside for laser tag.  The first round was boys against girls and I had the high score for the girls!  Whoop whoop!  The next round we broke out by groups.  Of course my group won. 🙂

    After that we were all so hot we headed back outside.  Frankie’s has 3 go-cart tracks so a few of us decided to try the slick track.  OMG!  That track was hard.  It took me almost the whole time to finally figure out how to drive my car.  I’m not going to lie, I was a disaster on the course.  I was all over the place.  I was sliding everywhere and running into the corners.  The cars have no turning radius so you have to find the right amount of speed needed to get you through the turns.  Once I figured out you had to give it gas through the turns I was pretty good.  But then the race was over.

    I still have one event left on my card.  I wonder if I can convince Matt to go to the fun park sometime. 😉


  • Hello Wine Wednesday!

    Hello wine Wednesday!  Regular Wednesday you suck!  Ughh!  Today has definitely been “one of those days”!  It’s mostly all boring work stuff that no one cares to read about so I won’t bore you with the details.  Let’s just say I was pretty happy to have a nice cheap bottle of wine in the fridge.  I definitely needed a glass when I got home.  Now I’m sitting outside with the kiddos enjoying another glass while Matt grills some yummy delicious hamburgers.  MMMM!

    For some random reason Julio has decided he should jump up on the dresser and eat my plant.  I’m not sure where this is coming from but it doesn’t make me at all happy.  I noticed this afternoon he’s broken the long stem off now.  GRRR.  He got into trouble for that!  I mean these plants are not that old and to date they have been doing really well.  Honestly I’ve been pretty proud of myself since all of the plants I’ve bought lately are still alive.  (Trust me I suck at growing plants).  I don’t know why he is trying to kill it now.

    Normally I have a black thumb so the fact that all of my plants are currently alive makes me pretty happy.  A few weeks ago Matt and I bought some plants for the front porch and I also got some Basil and Sweet Mint.  The plants on the porch look great but everyday my basil looks like it is on the edge of life.  Last night I decided to google basil and see what I was doing wrong, I mean it said it likes full sun.  Apparently basil is not like most herbs and loves water.  Thankfully I’ve been watering it pretty much daily so it’s hanging on.  I hope it makes it through the summer but with temps already reaching 100+ who knows.  At least, in my mind, it will be the heat and not my inability to keep something alive.  Cross your fingers people, I need all the help I can get. 🙂


    PS. it is super hard to blog outside.  I can barely see my screen.  Thankfully I can see what I’m typing. 😉

  • Back to reality

    Back to life and back to reality, I think Soul II Soul said it best.  But I say UGHHH!  Vacation is SOO much better.

    Today was mine and Matt’s first days back at work since the wedding.  I have to say it wasn’t quite as difficult as I thought it would be.  I guess it doesn’t hurt there was a loud clap of thunder about 6:15ish this morning.  Thanks mother nature!

    It would seem that things at work have changed yet again.  I fully expected to in this morning and find out what I’d be doing since they told me before I left they were moving contracts and credit to a different group.  Well it turns out they just made US contracts and credit.  My coworker was also out on Friday and our manager was out today so who the heck knows what’s really going on.  I just continued to work on stuff I know and we’ll see what happens tomorrow.

    I know some of you are anxiously awaiting all of the wedding details and I promise I will start posting about that this week but just not today.

    I spent most of yesterday (like all of it) going through the nearly 800 pics I took from St Lucia.  I’ve almost edited all of the good ones at this point but I’m still not quite done.  Not to mention I haven’t even looked through the pics from our point and shoot.  Mostly we use that for the obligatory “us” pics.   So for now I will leave you with a few random pics of St Lucia.


    no pressure!  no really that’s the name of the drink.

    The cove at our resort.

    And of course the happy couple.  This is overlooking the beautiful little town of Dennery.