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Casa De E

Under Contract!

Say what?!?!?  So a funny little thing happened over the weekend, Matt and I went under contract on a house.  But wait, I thought you guys were looking at lots?  Well, we were.  Here’s what happened in the past week and a half.

I was over in the neighborhood 3 out of 5 days last week.  I met my mom to look at lots the Friday they were released.  Matt and I went back on Sunday and then I went over with our realtor, J, on Tuesday.  While J and I were there we also stopped by another builder.  The plan had been to see how many lots they had left and basically we would compare the two builders and see what might be better.  We quickly realized they had 2 houses that were in progress and both for sale.  We walked through both and the more we saw the more I fell in love.  After some not so subtle hints to Matt I was finally like, “I want this house!”  J contacted the builder and started to see what we could work out with either house.  Fortunately one house was a little further behind in the process and we decided that one would work better.  Thursday afternoon Matt and I met J at the house for a quick walk through.  Then we went to the office to start talking about the house.  We found out the finishes that had already been chosen and discussed the options still available for change.  Once we got all the prices we were set to make an offer.

Our offer was submitted Friday morning and by Friday afternoon we had a counter.  We talked it over and submitted our counter.  Unfortunately the builder didn’t respond and by 9:30pm we decided to accept their offer. We just had to wait for the contract. Saturday was kind of nerve wracking as we waited, and waited.  By mid afternoon as we were leaving the State game we got the contract.  Once we got home, we started reading through all 46 pages.  Matt signed and then I signed and we were done.  We were told we would have to pay our deposit before the builder would sign so yesterday Matt and I headed over to our new house to pay our money and look around!

It was nice to be able to take our time and wander round.  We took a bunch of pics of our house and we also took pics of the house next door.  It is further along and the finishes are similar so it’s nice to have a few pics of what ours will look like (but I will post those later – gotta pace myself 😉 ).  With that said, I’ll post some pics. 🙂

Front of the house
Me in front of the sold sign. Matt didn’t tell me my eyes were closed.
Back of the house/porch which will be screened in later
Love the detail on the eves
Floor plan




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