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365 Challenge – Week 4

I know I’m a few days late but I haven’t had a chance to edit at work. 😉  Here are my pics from last week.  I’m currently working from home today since it’s a SNOW DAY but I’ll blog about that tomorrow! (and include some pics!)

Random view of the sidewalk in front of the office.
I love this tree. It is down the street from my office. One day last week when school was cancelled I stopped on my way to work to snap a quick pic.
The Hunt Library on campus.
The lake down the street from the office.
My little yard frog. He’s seen better days for sure. We had a light dusting of snow.
A random left on the sidewalk.
A guy Matt knows said this cute little guy was scaring his kids and he was going to have to get rid of it. I told Matt to tell him we’d take it. Now I just need an Auburn one.


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