What the heck is it?
And while a hard taco bassinet seems like a reasonable answer, I’m not sure that’s actually what it’s for. 😉
I found this in my grandmothers house several years ago and am completely baffled as to what it is or what it’s for. My initial thought is that is is some sort of flower basket but I honestly don’t know. Anyone have any ideas?
PSA – Joann’s
If you liked my Halloween wreath, Joann’s currently has them half price. Just click here.
Happy Friday!
A new project
Woo hoo! Thanks to my lovely friend Sarah, I was perusing Craigslist tonight and came across a sweet little find. An antique and it’s only $10.00. I am pretty excited about this little gem. A little work, some paint and new fabric and this will be a great addition to the house.
Enough teasing already. I’ll post pics after I pick it up. 🙂
~ k
Yard work Update
I decided I was having a competition with our neighbors across the street for the best yard. They ripped out their bushes a few weeks before we did and planted one measly little plant. It died before they got the other 2 in. They’ve since added a couple of mums and bush but still, I feel like they had no direction so clearly we just won. In this post I showed you the before and after. This weekend Matt and I ran to Lowe’s and got 5 small azaleas and a flat of pansies. I bought 2 mums a few weeks ago but with my surgery I hadn’t been able to plant them.
I asked my mom and dad to come over yesterday and help me plant my bushes. I figured mom would enjoy doing some yard work since that’s her thing. We figured out our arrangement and my dad was nice enough to dig holes for us so we could plant everything. We staggered the azalea’s put the mums at the bottom and planted the pansies in between the mums. I think the arrangement turned out well. Mom also brought me her irises. We planted them on the side of the house for now. Once mom and dad get settled she will take the ones she wants and leave me a few. They aren’t really in the best spot but living in a townhouse there isn’t that much room to plant things.
Hello Halloween!
I normally don’t do much for Halloween but the craft bug bit me, again, and I needed something to do. Since Halloween is right around the corner I thought I would decorate some. I found some great printables, and you might remember the crazy Target spree I went on a few weeks ago. I also decided I wanted to do a Halloween wreath. I found a great one on Pinterest. It was plastic snakes hot glued to a grapevine wreath with everything spray painted black. I figured I could get the snakes and wreath at the dollar store since I didn’t care to spend a lot of money.
I ran to the dollar store only to find they didn’t have either item. So as I was wondering around I saw some skeleton garland and some fake rats. I grabbed 2 garlands and 1 pack of rats. My mom was with me and said she had a black feather wreath I could have. Score! This meant I would spend a grand total of $3.00 on my Halloween wreath.
I picked the wreath up during lunch so I could work on my wreath when I got home. I must say the damn thing took longer then I thought it would. The little skeletons weren’t as close together as I thought they were so I had to retie all of them. Next I had to figure out how to get the plastic rats to stay without hot glue. As I was looking in our junk drawer I found a paper clip. I unfolded it and cut into 3 pieces. I stuck each rat with the paper clip and stuck it into the wreath form. I thought the wreath was a little too black so I added a bow. Overall I think it turned out great!
A Place to Lay My Head
For weeks now I have been scouring the internet looking for an affordable bed. I’ve found a couple here and there that I liked but the ones I really liked weren’t platform beds and getting a box springs was out of the question. Yesterday I ran across one Matt had nixed a few months ago. As I was rereading the comments I noticed one that said this bed was almost identical to the Colette bed. I had just looked at Crate and Barrel and thought the name sounded familiar. Sure enough the bed I was looking at looks just like a Crate and Barrel bed listed for almost $2000.00. The bed I was looking at on Overstock.com was less than half that price. 🙂
I sent Matt the link to the Overstock bed again along with the link to Crate and Barrel bed. I think that did it. I think him seeing this bed against a much more expensive bed that looked almost identical was enough to say fine. Finally, this morning, he told me to order the bed if that was the one I wanted. YAY! Our new bed has been ordered and it should be here within the next 6 weeks {though I am hopeful it will be much sooner}.
{The only difference I can see between these 2 beds besides the price tag are the feet. Another thing that I find funny is the bedding on the bed we are getting is the same bedding I had a few years ago but I used the lighter side on top.}
Now we just need to get a mattress. The compromise is that Matt wanted a king size bed if we were getting a new one and I wanted a fake temperpedic mattress. So far, I’ve run across several knock off that are really inexpensive. Now they might not last more then a few years but that’s okay too. As for bedding, I think I’m going to stick with the colors we are currently using. I might have a plan for this but I’m not sure yet. 🙂
PSA and a product review
PSA – Old Navy is having a killer online sale right now. Matt and I both bought a few new shirts last night. If you need some clothes, def check out Old Navy. The sale ends tomorrow!
Now on to the fun stuff, makeup! A few weeks ago I found a new and great mascara. It’s Loreal’s Power Volume Collagen mascara. This stuff is the bomb! Like for realz! 😉 If there is one makeup item on my must have list it is mascara. I LOVE mascara! I don’t think anyone should ever leave the house without it to be honest. It just gives your eyes a kick. I guess it doesn’t help that I have super light eyelashes and always need mascara. I used to get my eyelashes dyed when I was in Alabama, it was my “treat”. When I moved to Texas it was harder to find salons that offered this service and it was expensive. Not the $10.00 I had been used to. And now that I’m in NC I just haven’t bothered.
I ran to Ulta during lunch today and picked up their Day, Night and Play makeup kit. I had a $5.00 off coupon too which is really the only reason I bought it but hey, a girl needs makeup. Maybe I’ll get adventurous now that I have some colors to play with. I am actually pretty excited to think of all the possible colors I can try now. Maybe I’ll try to do a different color every day this week. Hmmm. 🙂
A case of the sleepies
I was up every hour after 2 am last night. I am feeling MUCH MUCH better from my surgery but I had some minor issues last night that kept me awake on and off. I ended up coming in to work about an hour late to make sure everything was under control. So far so good except for my sheer exhaustion. I would have worked from home today but thanks to Time Warner the internet is out at our house and will probably be down til Thursday. Are you kidding me?!?! Anyway I drug myself to work but I am not super happy about it. I’d rather be at home sleeping on the couch.
Hurry up 5:00!
So let’s talk
For almost the last year I have been telling doctors I thought something was wrong. I wasn’t in pain or anything but I just “knew” something was off. The first doc did the obligatory ultrasound. She found nothing, basically patted me on the head and brushed me off. A few months later I saw another doc in the practice and she referred me to a specialist. I was very excited with the prospect that the new doctor would do more testing and figure out what was going on.
Matt and I met with the new doc in April and she also did an ultrasound and few other “minor” tests. Again we were told everything was fine. Finally Matt and I decided we wanted a second opinion so I called another specialist and scheduled an appointment. Much to our surprise the new doctor immediately offered up more testing ideas. Tests we’d never heard of, or knew about. With new found information I decided to have a laproscopy last Thursday. We went in knowing the doctor could find nothing but it’s a minor surgery with a pretty quick recovery time. Plus my insurance covers 100% after my deductible and my work pays almost all of my deductible.
The receptionist called on Tuesday to schedule my surgery and by the end of the day I had a Thursday afternoon appt. Let’s face it, I do much better when I don’t have time to think about things so the quick turnaround was great!
Thursday morning I worked from home and around noon Matt and I headed to the surgical center. Overall my experience wasn’t too bad, aside from the epic IV fail. Nurse 1 did a really bad job which lead to a full blown “episode”. An episode includes my blood pressure dropping, my heart rating slowing down and me on the verge of passing out. A little oxygen and a wet washcloth later, I was feeling better and ready for try number 2. Nurse 2 decided to numb my hand and then insert the IV. I’m never going back. This is totally the way to go. 😉
Before long (well it was kind of long, the new doc is always running behind) the ER nurses came to get me. The next thing I remember is waking up in recovery asking for Matt. The nurse grabbed him and then the doc came by armed with pics. Not only did I have endometriosis, I also had a cyst on my ovary that was blocking a tube, and I had a polyp. No one, new doc included had seen any of this on any of the numerous ultrasounds I’d had done in the past months. The doctor showed Matt the pics and probably 20 – 30 mins later we were headed home.
I slept most of Thursday night and Friday morning I got up thinking I was going to work from home. Umm yeah. I was up for about 5 minutes when the nausea set in and I ended up laying on the couch for the rest of the morning. I did have a few things I needed to take care of for work so I kept my eye on that but nothing else.
Today is Tuesday and I’m still not at 100%. I’m probably not quite at 85% but I’m feeling better. My incisions are healing I guess. (They are covered in glue) My pain levels are down and now mostly I’m just a lot of uncomfortable. I bought some black yoga pants to wear this week and they feel nice. My work chair, however, SUCKS!
Anyway the point to me writing all of this down is to say, if you feel like something is wrong keep pushing for answers. Granted I didn’t have anything seriously wrong with me but all of those things can cause issues. Now it’s been fixed and we can move on. I am so thankful for a local blogger. I reached out to her and she was super kind, told me about her situation and referred me to our new doctor. Without her Matt and I might still be looking for answers!
On the road to recovery
I had minor surgery last Thursday. Aside from the pain meds making me sick I am kind of starting to feel a little better. I am hoping to make it work tomorrow. Anyway my weekend was pretty boring and consisted of lying on the couch watching football or golf for the past 3 days.
I hope to go back to work tomorrow. While working from home is okay it will be nice to actually get dressed (sort of) and see people.