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  • The crud

    On Saturday Matt and I went to the NC State game.  A few of our friends had their small children with them so of course Matt and I have fun playing with them.  Matt was lucky enough to get to hold Taylor who is almost 2 for most of the 1st quarter while I played with Thomas who is 4.

    I love little kids and I love playing with them until, until their little kid germs get on you.  Honestly I have no idea where this stupid head cold came from (it’s been going around) but I am NOT enjoying it at all!  It started maybe Sunday night and I woke up with a sore throat on Monday.  Tuesday was pretty much the same but I could fee the congestion in my head so I stopped by the drug store for some Sudafed on my way home.  I knew I wouldn’t sleep great if I took one so late but I knew I needed to get something in my system.  Needless to say I did not sleep well that night.

    Wednesday morning I took more Sudafed and decided I would take Nyquil and Afrin before bed.  Ahhh.  I slept much better last night but as soon as I got up my head stopped right back up.  Boo!  Thankfully I don’t really feel that bad aside from not being able to breathe.  So that’s good.  I just hope I can kick this crap to the curb and soon.  And I hope Matt doesn’t get it.  He’s already said he’s going to be a big baby if he gets it.


  • Biting off more than I can chew?

    This year Matt’s parents will be in England for Thanksgiving and his brother will be working in Atlanta.  My parents are now about 15 minutes away so they will be joining us for Thanksgiving.  This will be the first time in about 3 years I think.

    Since Matt and I have been together, I have been determined for us to find our own Thanksgiving traditions, including foods.  The past few years we done this and that with the hopes of finally nailing down a menu but this year, this year I am going to do all of the cooking myself (I’ve even labeled all my recipes so I will have them moving forward).  Matt will deep fry (with our oil-less fryer) the turkey and I will make the sides.

    We sat down the other day and came up with a rough menu.  Yesterday at work I started looking for recipes for the items we want to have.  I guess everything on the menu is pretty standard but I really want our kids (and us too) to look forward to the familiar foods that are Thanksgiving.  I am also adding a few new items to our menu this year including homemade rolls and an apple pie.  🙂  I had a test run with the rolls a month or two ago so I know what to expect but I’ve never made an apple pie.  Honestly I’m looking forward to this little experiment.  I’ve decided to make the pie the day before.  This should allow me plenty of time to cook the food without worrying about dessert.  I also plan to prep a  few items the night before so I can just throw them in the oven when I’m ready.

    Hopefully the day will be semi-stress free if I have a plan.  I’m sure the wine will be flowing so that will also help. 😉



  • I’m glowy

    A few months ago I mentioned my new makeup routine.  I am still totally digging this combo but in the past month or so I’ve added something else to my skin care regime.  I added Cod Liver Oil capsules.  Of course, I stumbled on this little gem on pinterest one day (apparently this was something I saw, read and did not pin.)  Anyway, I thought what the hell so I ran to the vitamin store and picked up a bottle.  The bottle contains like 500 pills and was around $15.00.  Pretty good deal really.

    So I’ve been taking the Cod Liver Oil for a month or so now and  in the past week or so I’ve noticed how  much “glowier” my skin is. I even had a friend text me to see if there was something I wasn’t telling her.  No that’s not the reason my skin looks nice.  I am really starting to think it has to do with the Cod Liver Oil.  It’s the only thing I’ve changed recently.  I’ve only had a few small breakouts since I started taking it too.

    If you are looking to add a little something to your skin care routine I would highly recommend adding this oil.  It has tons of benefits not just skin related benefits.  But who doesn’t want glowy skin?


  • It’s the little things

    I mentioned we moved into our new office, finally.  Well we just found the mother load of office supplies.  I LOVE (like it’s kind of weird) office supplies.  I had a job in TX and I got to order the office supplies. Favorite thing ever! I was always buying myself the good pens and stuff.  It was fun.  When I moved to NC  our office was very short of office supplies.  It was like pulling teeth to get simple things like white out.  So you can imagine my excitement now that I sit a few feet away from the office supplies!  WOOHOO!

    I probably should have prefaced this post with I’m a huge dork!


  • These boots are made for walking

    Oh man I hope so!

    My new boots arrived from shoedazzle today! They are great! I was a little worried about how big they would be around the calf area but with my jeans on they fit just fine. I was scared they would look a lot too big, even though it seems like all the boots now are that way, I like a more tailored look. I don’t have any great pics bit here goes.





    Happy Election Day!


  • Check in

    I know I had been a huge slacker lately. There is a lot going on and nothing going on if that makes sense. Yesterday the finally group of people moved into our new office. Odd course I was in the last group to move. Several of us joked they were never going to let us move.

    The company had been in our old building for years and years and in the past few months we all started to realize how old and gross the bldg had become. After the first group moved mew made a little field trip and WOW, the new bldg was amazing. Modern, clean and airy and nice. This made the final days at the old bldg suck even more.

    Yesterday morning as I left the house I reminded myself I was going to the new bldg. The drive is same for about half the trip. I know I’m going to forget and go the wrong way one day. I pulled into the parking garage on centennial campus and was really glad to see a coworker pull up at the same time. To be honest it kind of left like the first day of high school.

    We rode the elevator to the 4th floor and set out to find our seats. My new desk wasn’t too bad after I made a few little changes. I spent the next hour getting my computer set up and arranging my desk. Then a few of us decided to check out the other floors. My company occupies all of the 4th and 5th floors and various wings on 1,2, and 3.

    The only thing I’m not super crazy about is being on campus. It’s busy, all the time. Plus you have to deal with students walking in front off your car. We have access to NC State’s facilities and the bus line but the buses are kind of slow, as we sat for 5 mins today waiting for the driver to get back on schedule. I’m sure being on campus has its advantages and the new bldg is worth it. However I think mine and Matte’s Friday lunches are going to run a little longer since I am further away now.


  • We have a bed!

    Thursday night Matt and I ran to Costco to pick up our new mattress.  We knew we wanted to have everything so Friday afternoon we could get the party started.

    Friday afternoon we moved our current bed to the spare room.  The plan had been to sleep in there over the weekend but more on that a little later.  Anyway we got everything cleaned up and ready for the new bed.  We bought a great bed from Overstock which I mentioned looks just like the Collette bed from Crate and Barrel and man was I impressed.  We opened the boxes and all the fabric parts were wrapped in a cloth like fabric.  We took the headboard upstairs and unwrapped it.  Much to my surprise the nail heads went all the way to the rails.  The picture on Overstock shows them stopping several inches above so I was super happy this was not the case.

    We grabbed the rails from the garage and began assembling the bed.  The install was pretty easy to be honest.  There is one rail that isn’t completely flush with the footer rail but it’s not really noticeable with bedding.  Once we got the bed together it was time to assemble the slats.  Matt looked and looked and apparently our bed didn’t come with instructions.  Great!  It took us a few minutes to really figure out what the heck was going on.  This was made more complicated by the fact we seemed to be missing some nuts.  I ran downstairs and thankfully they were in the corner of the box.  Once we had the nuts we were able to figure out what what going on.

    Next was the “hard” part.  We had to bring the 150 lbs mattress up 2 flights of stairs.  It was packaged in a box so that made it a little easier to maneuver   I wasn’t exactly sure how this all would work but Matt seemed pretty confident we would just put it on the slats and let it go.  I helped him get it out of the box and sat back to video our experience.  It was pretty cool to see this king sized mattress stuffed into a box and then watch it expand.  It didn’t take too long for the mattress to almost reach it’s full height of 12 inches.  Later that night it was over 11 3/4 inches so I was happy with that.

    Our plan had been to let the bed sit over the weekend but I slept so bad Friday night and Julio was all confused and didn’t sleep so we sucked it up and slept on the new bed Saturday night.  The mattress is rather firm.  It feels nice but I think I expected to sink in a little more.  I think the room looks really good now.  We just have a dresser that needs relocating. 😉




  • The bed is here!

    *****This totally didn’t get posted last week. Oopsy! This was from last Wednesday.

    In boxes, in the garage. I don’t foresee it getting unpacked until this weekend. I will post before and after pics as soon as we get everything together.

    The bed was suppose to be delivered between 8 – 12 this morning but at 11:45 I was still sitting at home waiting for them to call. I had the delivery service number so I called and they told me I would probably another hour. Grrrr! About 12:20 I heard the truck pull up so I went downstairs and opened the garage door. Five minutes later I packed my stuff and headed to work. My day was pretty slow and I didn’t get much done. Had I worked from home all day nothing would have gotten done. 😉


  • My Pumpkin – in Pics

    I don’t normally do pic posts but today that’s what’s going to happen. hehe! Let me just say that my pumpkin was HUGE. Like I’m surprised I didn’t lose an appendage in the cutting process.

    Me and Julio for size comparison.

    Happy Tuesday!
