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  • On the road to recovery

    I had minor surgery last Thursday.  Aside from the pain meds making me sick I am kind of starting to feel a little better.  I am hoping to make it work tomorrow.  Anyway my weekend was pretty boring and consisted of lying on the couch watching football or golf for the past 3 days.

    I hope to go back to work tomorrow.  While working from home is okay it will be nice to actually get dressed (sort of) and see people.


  • The package has arrived!

    And by package I mean my parents.  They pulled in to Raleigh around 2:30.  Their first stop was the storage unit to unload some stuff off the trunk.  Then I guess they will try to get into their apartment.  Since they are so close to my office I am going to run by after work and see them for a few minutes.  Then I am off to Target to pick up a few essentials.  Matt is going to Fresh Market for steaks.  We are just going to grill out for his birthday.  Honestly this makes my day a lot easier.  Now I won’t have to rush home to get ready for dinner.  Plus I have to make his cupcakes for the tailgate tomorrow.  Needless to say it will be a busy night.

    I am so ready to leave right now.  It is beautiful outside, and well, I have stuff to do!  Hurry up 5:00.


  • On the road again

    So my parents are currently making the drive from Oklahoma to North Carolina. They plan to arrive Friday afternoon. They can’t move into their apt until Saturday so they will stay in a hotel Friday night. We would have offered our house but between our 2 cats, their 2 cats and dog, we figured that might be a bit much. Plus they can get a hotel close to the apt. It looks like Matt and I will have to load up our spare mattress to take to them on Saturday since they were unable to get theirs on the truck. Apparently there were a few other items that didn’t make it on the truck like the vacuum cleaner. Oopsy.

    Hopefully they will make good time and have a safe trip.


  • Just stir the pot….

    Some people just don’t know when to leave well enough alone.

    Its super annoying to think something is over only to get a random text or email just stirring the pot. Ugh!  Like I don’t have enough stuff going on with out unwarranted drama. I’m not in high school anymore, nor do I care to associate with people who act like that. Put your big girl panties on and grow the eff up!


  • A little this and that

    This week is creeping by.  Yesterday was sooo slow I thought I was going to die.  This morning I wake up, get to work only to find out the power is out AGAIN!  Ughh.  I turned around and came home.  It is so nice to have a laptop now.  I have everything I need should I need to work from home.

    I might have made a little time to do my nails. 🙂

    You may remember this pic. Well this is what my begonias look like now. I think our little bunny friend did some snacking plus I think they took a pounding by all the rain. Oh yeah, I don’t think I’ve actually mentioned all the damn rain we’ve had lately. It’s crazy. It seems like almost everyday for the last few weeks we get rain. Like down pours. The rest of the country might be having a drought but people are going to start growing webbed feet around here it’s so wet.

    I planted my begonias next to our porch. Our porch doesn’t have gutters so I think the rain runs off and right onto them. For a while they were doing pretty good but it looked like they were breaking at the roots. The rain is the only thing I could come up with. Then the bunny. But as you can see they are coming back. I’m pretty impressed since I haven’t done much with them. A few weekends ago I got out and put a little more soil around them and kind of pushed them back in the ground so I guess it worked.

    Anyway back to work. I still have to paint my other hand. 😉


  • A little bit blah

    Aside from the fact that Matt and I are super boring lately I feel like I’m in a little bit of a funk.  I’m just kind of in a weird place right now.  I know I will get over it but I feel like I need some change.  (And not the work kind!)

    I feel like it’s time to move on to another chapter but I don’t really know where that is or what it is or how to get there.

    What started as a eh day turned into a crappy day pretty quick today.  That’s always fun for a Monday.  Nothing like Korn blaring in your ears.  (Actually I rather enjoy that so some crazy reason.  Somehow people yelling at me actually calms me down.)

    Anyway I may try to work on a few craft projects this week and see if it won’t help me mood.


  • Just another Monday

    Nothing like leaving your laptop at home to start your Monday!  I got all the way to work before I realized my computer was at the house.  I called Matt but he was already gone.  Ughh!  Thirty minutes later I was back at the office up and running.

    Our weekend was pretty unproductive.  It was entirely too hot all weekend to do anything but we still ran a few errands on Saturday.  We heard the Room Store down the street from us was going out of business so I wanted to stop by and see what they had.  I am still on the hunt for bedroom furniture and if I could find a set on clearance, that would be great.  As we were passing we noticed the store wasn’t open so we continued on to Petsmart.

    Sunday was much of the same.  We ran to the grocery and looked to see if the Room Store was open.  No such luck.  We’re going to have to figure this out though because I want to check out what they have.  There was also record heat yesterday.  The temps got up to 105.8 at RDU for a little while.  Umm, that is just TOO damn hot!  Thankfully it’s supposed to cool off this week.

    I also finished book 3 of the Fifty Shades series.  I’m thinking this might be a record for me.  I am super slow reader so 3 books in 2ish weeks.  That’s pretty good.  I will say I enjoyed the books, mommy porn aside, there was a decent plot and I don’t feel so bad for getting sucked in.  😉


  • Bad blog? :(

    I just want to apologize for the state of this blog. The last few days I’ve been going through my posts from the old blog and man, those are much much better. Maybe it was because I had the wedding to plan for or maybe it was because I was writing at work. I think it was because I was writing at work. My composition really seems to have gone downhill blogging from home. Once I get home I am pretty much D.O.N.E.

    With that I promise to try a little harder. I would really like the blog to be better and more interesting to read.


  • Eh….

    This week has been pretty much hellacious.  If it could go wrong it did.  I’ve had stuff blowing up for 2 days now.  So all I can say is long weekend please hurry!  I need you ASAP.

    Matt and I don’t have any plans for this weekend.   Though I think I am going to try to talk him into painting our bedroom.  We’ll have to borrow a ladder from some friends so we can reach the ceiling.  Basically I think our room will be a complete pain in the ass to paint but I know it will look so much better when it’s done.  Plus paint = new carpet.  You know I’ve only been saying new carpet for like 6 months now.  But I am sooo ready to make this happen.  New CARPET!!!!!  Wooo hoooo!


  • Bad Words

    Not in the traditional sense of *%*$% bad words but in the South there are words you learn not to say as a kid.  I’m talking about soda, pop, you guys and a host of other “Northern” words.  I remember using the word Coke for anything soda related.  And you NEVER said hey you guys!  If it wasn’t ya’ll you were not Southern.

    As I’ve grown, and moved really, I find myself constantly saying the words soda and you guys.  I never say Coke unless I actually mean Coke.  I rarely say ya’ll either and I never blog it.  I think it’s funny that over the course of years things change, even your speech.  As a kid I wouldn’t have dreamed I would use these words.  Those were “Northern” words and I was a good Southern Belle.  🙂

    So while some Southern has started to come out more, like my love for growing things (it is not gardening ;).  The Northern has come out more in my speech.  I guess as I’ve gotten older I no longer associate those words with being only a Northern thing.  But I also try hard to keep my Southern accent at bay. There are certain words I don’t ever think will lose that Southern draw, like fire but since the age of 12 or so I have been very conscious of how I speak.  God forbid I sound like a hick. 😉  Of course that is my own personal choice.  But I do find there to be a difference between having  a Southern draw and sounding like a hick.

    Enough of my ramblings.  I promise to start blogging our trip soon.  Like maybe tonight.
