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  • Anniversary Re-Cap

    This year’s anniversary wasn’t quite as fancy as years 1 and 2.  For our 1 year anniversary, Matt and I went to NYC for a long weekend and celebrated with dinner at Scarpetta.  It was pretty amazing!  You can read about that trip here.   Last year we went to Jamaica for a long weekend and were able to have a candlelight dinner on the beach for our anniversary.  As you can see, the bar was set pretty high.

    Tuesday, after Matt and I got home from work, we just lounged around until it was time to get ready for dinner.  He bought me flowers and I bought him a leather shaving bag along with some funky socks.  We don’t normally exchange gifts but I felt like I should get him a little something since we weren’t going anywhere.  We had a 7:30 dinner reservation at Margaux’s.  It was supposed to be a nice, upscale restaurant pretty close to our house.  Matt had been several years ago but I had never been.  There were only a few people dining when we arrived but the restaurant itself was nice.  We were seated and ordered our starters.  We also received some crab cake tapas while we were waiting.  Since Matt can’t eat shellfish, I got to eat them. They were quite yummy.  Matt ordered a Caesar salad to start with and I ordered the Ahi Tuna.  For our main dishes, Matt had the Panko Crusted Chicken Breast and I had the Braised Short Ribs.  After dinner Matt ordered the Profiteroles and I had the Sorbet.  All in all, dinner was really good but not really as exotic as years past.

    I’m hoping we will be able to take a few long weekend vacations over the summer since we don’t have any big vacations planned for this year.






  • Happy 3rd Anniversay

    Three years ago today, Matt and I were standing on the lawn at the Sandals La Toc in St Lucia overlooking the ocean, promising our lives to one another.  You can read all about our wedding here.

    I would have to say the last 3 years have been pretty good! Sure, Matt and I have had our ups and downs but for the most part, things have been really good. We’ve had our share of hard times, but there is no one else in this world I would rather face those times with.  He is my rock when I need someone to lean on, he is always there to hold my hand or give me a hug.  He’s wiped more than his share of tears from my face.  He is my everything!  I can’t imagine spending my life with someone else.   What started with friendship has turned into a beautiful love.

    It’s hard for me to imagine my life without him, bed burritoing and all. 😉 (And if you know me, you know I am a bed FREAK!  haha)  I LOVE YOU, MATTE!


    beach beach2 DSC_6914-1

  • Good bye vacation! Hello Anniversary!

    Matt and I arrived home around midnight on Sunday.  It was a long day to say the least.  Thankfully I had taken Monday off so while I slept in he got up and drug himself to work.  Actually  I didn’t really sleep in.  I was up and showered by 9 am so that was pretty good, for me at least.

    Once I was up I started on our laundry, then I started working on the pics I had taken.  I ended up with more than 300 pics from our trip.  First I sorted out the ones I actually wanted to edit and then I began.  Mostly they just needed a few minor adjustments and I had to spot remove on a few.  (Not gonna lie, I’m a little pissed off about the spot since I took it to the camera shop and had my sensor cleaned a few days before we left.  Good thing it was free!)

    I got about halfway through my editing before I had to stop and run to the store.  Monday was Matt and I’s 2nd Anniversary!  (WHHHHAAATTT WHHAAATTT!!!!)  Like always, we decided to grill steaks.  I ran to Earthfare, grabbed a couple of filets and set out to find some sides.  I was a little annoyed they didn’t have any green beans so I had to stop at another store on my way home.  Anyway, Matt was pretty tired when he got home so he napped for a while and then we started dinner.  The steaks were delicious and the green beans were pretty good considering I googled a recipe and threw it together. 🙂

    It’s hard to believe we’ve already been married 2 years. I love Matte more each day and find myself constantly telling him he is a great husband.  I hear my friends talk and I’m so glad we have the relationship we do. 🙂

    Anyway, I have put some of my Jamaica pics up on my photosite.  The link may change (I’m trying to change a few things around) but they will still be listed under travel.  As for our trip, I will try to start blogging that this week on the travel site. 🙂


  • Jamaica Mon!

    I had a great birthday weekend.  And to top it off we finally booked our anniversary trip!  Matt and I decided on the Sandals Whitehouse in Jamaica.  It came down to price and the fact that Sandals is all inclusive.  We’d rather pay a little more per night and have food and drinks included.  Honestly I am fine with this.  It ends up making your vacation less stressful since you aren’t always worrying about how much money you are spending on food and drinks.

    Last night I remembered the waterfall scene in Cocktail was filmed in Jamaica but I just looked it up and it might be a little too far for this trip.  Booo!  (Cocktail may be one of my favorite movies of all time – back when Tom Cruise was normal.)

    I have no idea if we will plan any day trips while we are in Jamaica or if we will just chill on the beach and sun.  There are a few activities included in the Sandals package so as long as I get to snorkel I should be fine. 🙂

    Now I just need to get my pasty pale tail some sun!



  • Let’s take a trip

    Currently Matt and I are trying to decide where we would like to go for our 2nd anniversary.  Holy cow, it’s almost been TWO whole years!  Watch out! 😉  Anyway, our/my first choice was Quebec City but after looking at flights prices are too high right now.  Now our list consists of Chicago (which I think is the front runner), Boston, Maine (which Matt is not keen on), or maybe someplace beachy like Mexico.

    The only real criteria for our trip is we would like someplace we haven’t been before, a relatively short and inexpensive flight, and somewhere that would be good for a long weekend with stuff to do.  Clearly if we went Maine it would be more of a quiet nature type trip.  If we went to Chicago or Boston, there would be tons of things to do and if we went tropical there would be the beach.  Now we just have to decide where to go.

    Last night we were watching The New Girl on Fox and they were talking about the various anniversary gifts.  Matt and I decided last year that our trip to NYC was our gift so we didn’t get each other an actual gift, just cards.  Honestly I kind of like this idea.  I mean we can buy what we want when we want.  We joked last year that the plane tickets were our paper gift.  So this year I think we will have to get t-shirts from our destination.  The second anniversary gift is cotton.  🙂  I told Matt I think it would be cool to do the “traditional” gifts without being traditional.  I guess I’m also assuming we will try to take a trip around our anniversary every year.  I mean it’s in the spring and what better time to go on a trip right?


    PS I’m still working on my bathroom.  The stuff I got yesterday didn’t work so it was returned today. Now I have to run back to the Container Store and work it out.

  • This is what happens

    When 2 people who love cars marry……

    So Matt is a car lover and has always had nice cars, as in 3 Audis. I too am a car lover, or more like a car leaver. There was a time in my life when I averaged a new (and by new I mean used) car every 18 months or so. Well the plan had been that I would get the Q5 next year when the Jetta lease was up and then Matt would get a new (or used) car.

    As it happened a friend of ours works at the Audi dealership and last week he brought home a BMW 135i that had recently been traded. You see Matt has been lusting after this car for a few months now so when J offered to bring it home and let us drive it we said HELL YES! This my friends, was the beginning of the end. Matt drove first and I was like yeah it’s nice, very small. Then I drove. O. M. G! From there I was in love! The car was amazing and amazingly fast.

    J talked to Matt and they tried to work out a deal but the numbers just didn’t add up so Matt started looking. He found 2 cars that would do, one in Wilmington and one in Atlanta. After a few days of negotiating Matt finally got the deal we were looking for on the Wilmington car. As it happened, his parents were in town last night so they were able to drive him down today to pick up the new car.

    So now we have this…..


    Yes I know it is completely impractical but what the hell! You only live once! 😀

    ~Tomorrow Matt and I will head to NYC to celebrate ONE whole year of marriage! WOOO HOOO! We did it!
